Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Domain

I've been toying with the idea of finding a new home for "Pearls to Pampers", and although the move is still somewhat in progress, I am comfortable enough to share with you our new "place". 

We are moving to Tumblr for various reasons.  Same blog, same pictures, same posts--new URL and new look.  So please update your favorites lists and head on over to the new Pearls to Pampers.

Thanks for hanging out with us at Blogger, and we hope to see you at our new address!!


K, A and CG

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

This pretty much sums her up. Love, Love, Love <3

[found at ModMomento etsy shop]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

6 Months of Charlotte

Every month we  have taken Charlotte's "month picture" in a pink onesie, the same pink bow, in the same chair next to the same stuffed dog (which was made by my most talented cousin Heather).  Now that she is halfway to 1, I thought I would share them with you.  It is amazing to see how much she has grown!  The biggest change was definitely from month 1-2.  She went from newborn to chub in only 4 weeks.  Enjoy!

One Month

Two Months

Three Months

Four Months

Five Months

Six Months

Monday, March 21, 2011

Charlotte Grace- 6 Months Old!

I can't believe the day has come--if the next 6 months is anything like the past 6 months, than I better start planning her one year bday party NOW because 6 months flies by!!  Yesterday marked Charlotte's 6 month birthday, and she must have known because she was SO HAPPY and FUNNY all day long.  We couldn't believe how grown up she seemed.  When we went to pick her up after church in the nursery, all the nursery workers were standing around her laughing--they said she was a "little comedian".  She does this fake laugh now, its kind of like "HA HA HA...he he he".  It almost sounds like a witch, but is is hilarious!  I think she is learning she can get a lot of attention with her voice!

I know  I said it last month, but each day continues to get better and better.  This age is so much FUN!  Charlotte is really developing a little personality and has become such a little lady.  The biggest change this month has been her mobility.  She is still only rolling from tummy to back, but does it every time we lay her on her tummy.  She has recently really been trying to roll the other way, and gets frustrated because she can't quite do it yet.  Daddy loves helping her practice her skills...he is currently working on teaching her how to crawl.  I am not sure she is ready for that and that is OK with me!  In the past few days Charlotte has been sitting up very well without falling over.  She still hasn't totally mastered it, but she is *almost* there and can sit without falling for about 2 minutes!  I have discovered that placing the boppy behind her helps her to stay put, and she loves to sit and play with her toys.

We continue to go to playgroup almost every week, and Charlotte has proved to be a major social butterfly.  She chats, and shouts, and last week she was even "talking" with another baby!  Charlotte's chatting has also become a favorite nighttime game.  She wakes up in the middle of the night 1-2 times and does her fake laugh, and has a little convo with her mobile.  I will take that any day over crying!  Charlotte also LOVES the church nursery...she has never cried once, and every time we pick her up she is happy.  I am so proud of her for being such a big girl!

Now that Charlotte is much more curious with the world around her, her sleeping habits have changed dramatically this month.  After a bought of what I thought was teething, she decided to ditch the naps and hang out with Mom all day.  She is now staying awake for 2-3 hour periods during the day...which is great because I feel more comfortable taking her out places without having to rush home for a nap.  She had one week of night waking while she was teething, but seems to be back to sleeping 10-12 hours straight through the night.  Phew!  That teething week was tough on Mama!  She is now taking between 2-3 naps a day, lasting anywhere from 45 mins-2 hours (although the 2 hour naps are far and few between now!).

Another huge change has been Charlotte new eating schedule.  While she is still nursing 4-5 times a day, we have also added in solids 3 times a day.  She now LOVES her baby oatmeal and has tried apples, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pears.  We are still introducing her to new foods each week and she seems to love them all!  Last month she was pushing the food out with her tongue, and now she has totally gotten the hang of it and opens her mouth for the spoon, and swallows.  I've noticed she is not as interested in nursing during the day, and more so in the morning and at night.  A real sign she is becoming a big girl!

Since Charlotte started teething this month, she has really needed some good teething toys.  The Sassy links have been the best toys for her to chew on, and I got her a "teething necklace" that she loves.  She is still not so sure about her exersaucer, but we do try it out everyday.  I think once she is able to really reach the toys and spin around she will love it.  I've noticed she is not wanting to spend a lot of time on one activity.  I can have her on her playmat for 10 minutes or so before she gets bored, and the same with the swing and bumbo.  She loves to sit in my or Daddy's lap, and has started to become interested in books (although she tries to eat most of them).  Now that the weather is getting nicer we have made an effort to take lots of walks!  She loves it, and usually uses that time for a quick snooze.

Bath time is still an absolute favorite for our little pup....she has now transitioned to the "seat" in our tub instead of laying flat.  She loves her plastic cups and little rubber piggy.  When it is time for a bath she absolutely knows what is going on and squeals with excitement!  We are very excited to get her into the pool this summer, she will be a little fishy in the water for sure.

Charlotte is still wearing 6 month clothing and size 3 diapers.  Her feet are reaching the bottom of most of her sleepers, so I think our little shorty is finally stretching out!  She is still out sweet little chubster, and I hope she stays like this for the rest of her baby days!  We will find out how much she has grown at her 6 month appointment next week.

Happy 6 Month Birthday little baby!!  We love you so much and are so proud of all of the learning you do every day!  Please don't grow up too fast in the next 6 months :(

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Little Church Girl- 6 Month Birthday Edition

Charlotte Grace is 6 months old today!  I can't believe our little baby will be 1 in only 6 fast months.  She was extra cute today in her pink for church--and extra happy and chatty all day long!

6 month post to come tomorrow!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patty's Day!

May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow; May the soft winds freshen your spirit; May the sunshine brighten your heart; May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you; And may God enfold you in the mantle of His heart. Happy St.Patrick's Day to all!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hiccup Interruptions

Charlotte got so excited after her sweet potatoes and oatmeal that she wasn't able to laugh without hiccuping!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Time Out

I think it is so important to remember and acknowledge what our world is going through right now.  The people of Japan have and are enduring one of the most tragic natural disasters of our time, and it would be wrong of me to not say anything about the subject.  I thought about many things I could say, words of encouragement, a prayer, or a simple "we are thinking of you."  While browsing other blogs today I came across these words:


"...It occurred to me after putting this post together that there are so many people in Japan right now suffering in such terrible conditions (among many other places in the world). I certainly realize that I live a charmed life and I truly don't take that for granted. My heart goes out to every single mother in Japan at this moment who is struggling to keep her babies safe, and warm and fed. A mother's instinct to protect and nurture comes as natural as breathing and I can only fearfully imagine what it must be like to have my world shattered by a natural disaster like that. I am praying for all the mothers (and fathers) in Japan on this day who are working to rebuild their lives and find a safe place for their children to sleep."

[re-blogged from Sincerely B]
I couldn't have said it better myself.  Prayers and thoughts go out to all those whose lives have been effected by the earthquakes and tsunami.


This past Friday my Dad invited my sister Devon and I to a father-daughter dinner at our family's club.  This was the first time my Dad had taken both daughters, as one of us was usually off at college, or not living in Pittsburgh.  I had not been to this event in about 5 years, and could not believe how many young daughters were there!  We talked about how much fun it will be in a few years to bring Charlotte--lots of little granddaughters were in attendance along with the daughters.  Devon and I had a wonderful time with my Dad, ate some delicious food, and met a lot of interesting fathers and daughters.  It was a perfect night out!


Not only did I have some father-daughter time, but Andrew was able to stay home with Charlotte and have his own father-daughter dinner with her.  They ate pizza, had his parents over for some play time, took a bath and snuggled.  She is absolutely becoming a Daddy's girl, it is so cute to watch her stare and watch his every move.  She is so excited when he is home on the weekends, and when he comes home from work.

I love the time they are able to spend together when I am not around.  I know when I was young I loved being able to spend quality time with my Dad, and now watching my own daughter with her Daddy brings me so  much joy. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Little Lady

Oh hey, little lady...aren't you cute.  What should we do today??

Yes, Mama's new magazine!  Time for me to tear up the pages...These recipes are making me hungry...where's that Mimi lady who is coming for lunch?

Oh...she's here.  I'm not really in the mood anymore.

Mom, seriously??  This is embarrassing...
Whoa!  Who's that baby..??  Get me out of here, I like my real bath!
Much better!  I'm so happy it is almost springtime...let's take a walk!

Walks make me sleepy...goodnight!

And that (among other baby things) is a typical day in the life of Miss Charlotte.  Happy Monday!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Home Team Re-blog

“Everybody has a home team: It’s the people you call when you get a flat tire or when something terrible happens. It’s the people who, near or far, know everything that’s wrong with you and love you anyways.
These are the ones who tell you their secrets, who get themselves a glass of water without asking when they’re at your house.
These are the people who cry when you cry. These are your people, your middle-of-the-night, no-matter-what people.” Bittersweet” by Shauna Niequist 

[re-blogged from georgiegirl]

For those of you on my home-team (and you should know who you are).  Thank you--I don't know what I would do without my people.

Little Church Girl-Teething Edition

Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday Scenes.

Just hangin' with Sophie (the giraffe) and waiting for Spring to get here...

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Fashionista

I would have to say Charlotte is a very well dressed baby.  I will also say this, because I cannot take credit for it.  She has many people who love her very much who have helped her to become the baby fashionista she is!  The sad thing about baby clothes, is they are so darn cute, BUT, only last for a short period of time before the baby grows so incredibly fast, her wardrobe and I cannot keep up.  So here they are, my top baby fashions:

Trumpette Socks
Whoever invented these socks is a genius.  Not only are they adorable, and come in every color AND look like shoes...they stay on.  This is a problem I have run into with most baby socks...they fall off!  Especially now that Charlotte is more active, she just kicks those babies right off.  But for whatever reason, the Trumpette socks stay on really well.  I think it helps that they come up a little higher.  We love these, and at the rate Charlotte's feet are growing, she will be wearing them for years--haha.

Baby Cardigans

Baby cardigans have to be the cutest thing ever.  Specifically, Hartstrings makes the most adorable infant sweaters (and clothes) and if you have an outlet store nearby they sell them for 75-80% off!  Charlotte's Mimi introduced us to these sweaters, and she has worn them for months.  We especially love to wear baby cardigans to church--warm and stylish!

Peter Pan Collars

I have always loved peter pan colors for myself, but the look of them on a baby is just precious!  For awhile, Charlotte's cute little chin has been sort of..ahem...hiding them...but when she was itty bitty (like in the above picture--yes, that is itty bitty compared to now!) they were adorable!  I love that peter pan collars are made on onesies too, how do they come up with this stuff?!

Bows and Headbands

If you have been reading this blog, or you know Charlotte and I--you know I love a bow on a baby girl.  Growing up, I was in love with bows.  My mom used to make them, and for the 3rd grade Science invention was in fact: a bow holder.  Yep, for the science fair.  It's a wonder how I actually got through math and science!  So of course, now that I have my own sweet girl she is wearing lots and lots of bows.  There is definitely a bow for every outfit...and as long as I am in charge of her wardrobe--keep em coming!

Infant Gowns

I have to admit, I love newborn gowns...there is something so sweet about them...but we really haven't had Charlotte in too many since this picture was taken (on the day she came home from the hospital).  I wonder if she were tiny in a warmer season if we would have dressed her in them more often, but I do still love newborn gowns.  She has been wearing them to bed lately when it has been warmer, and Andrew and I call her a little "squirm-worm"--she looks adorable!  Nightgowns will have to be a wardrobe staple of the future toddler sized CG. (and I still cannot believe how incredibly tiny our little chub was only 5.5 months ago)

So there you have it, my top 5 faves!  What are some of your favorite baby "fashions"?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

Today is fat Tuesday..which only means one thing--I will be ignoring it and trying to stay away from any kind of "Fat Tuesday" type food, and stick to running.  Our church has an all you can eat pancake dinner tonight...if we didn't have a wedding in 7 months I would be there in a second!

I think Charlotte may still be teething.  It's really hard to tell with her, because she is a generally happy, content baby.  She has been waking a lot more at night and just talking to herself, which is unusual..and is still gnawing on EVERYTHING.  I guess more fussing then usual, but I hear most babies scream when teething (which she really never does) so I am just holding my breath for now.

I thought maybe a paci would help CG with her teething, but she had no idea what to do with it!  I tried to help her, but she would gag and spit it out.  Our little girl is a definite thumb sucker--but only at night.  I think I can handle that.  She then took the soothie and started using it like a teething ring.  She was going to town!

I think I mentioned she has been sucking on her bottom lip.  She was doing this about a month ago, and I thought maybe she was just exploring, but I think it  may feel good on her gums? It's pretty cute either way.

We started carrots yesterday.  So far...she hates them.  I am starting to wonder if she is going to want to drink milk forever...solid foods are just not going well right now.  Sometimes she seems interested, but most of the time she just wants to chew on the spoon, or gets distracted by her bib.  Maybe this has to do with teething too?  Any advice??

Happy Fat Tuesday everyone!!  I hope someone eats a big piece of King's cake for me :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Little Church Girl-Back to Winter Edition

Today we woke up to freezing rain and snow :(.  After a few days of (rainy) 50 degree weather, I thought Spring had sprung!  Charlotte decided she wanted to wear a new spring dress despite the cold weather to church this morning.  Good choice!

It looks like she is reaching for me here, but she is actually reaching for a little ducky toy I was holding to get her to look at the camera.  Still so cute though, she will be reaching for me soon enough!

We think Charlotte may be at the beginning of teething.  She usually sleeps straight through the night, but last night she was fussing/talking in her crib most of the night.  I was up a lot of it with her, and she was sucking on her bottom lip and chewing on her hands more than usual.  She doesn't seem uncomfortable, but it was definitely out of the ordinary.  Hopefully she sleeps tonight...I am not used to sleepless nights anymore and it made for a tougher day today!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Date!

Today Charlotte and I met up with one of my oldest childhood friends Jake (Jacob) at our favorite restaurant of all time Sir Pizza.  Jake's sister recently had a baby boy, so the babies were able to meet!  Little Alex was sooo sweet.  I can't believe how fast Charlotte has grown..Alex is about 3 months, and Charlotte looks like such a big girl now!  Charlotte was all about him when we put them next to each other--she tried to hold his hand!  So cute.  I think it's safe to say this was their first date <3

Poor Alex wasn't so sure...right after this picture I think Charlotte may have scratched him, and he started crying.  We are going to have to work on her date etiquette ;)

It was fun to see Jake and Jess and catch up.  Come visit again soon!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Fever...

This weather today is amazing.  Not too warm, not too cold, blue skies and bright sun.  It's making me think about the upcoming spring and summer.  The best part about that is going to be taking Charlotte everywhere outside, and being able to have an adult beverage at an outdoor cafe.  As sad as that sounds, it was something I missed out on last summer!  Spring fever for sure...

Ligonier Recap

This past weekend Andrew, Charlotte and I headed up to Ligonier to see Gramps and Granny.  As always it was a relaxing visit and we just love spending quality family time.  Here are a few shots of our very short visit:

Charlotte had an audience while eating her oatmeal.  She certainly was showing off for everyone!

Gramps with his favorite baby
Charlotte found this pasta box a million times more exciting than any toys we had.  She is very easily entertained!
Bath time!  Again, with a full audience...I'm not sure Charlotte knew what to think of everyone watching her every move!
Perfect night for a fire...we miss having a real fire in the winter time.
Granny's turn for playtime with Charlotte--by this time she was really warming up to Gramps and Granny. 
Our family. We don't have enough pictures with the three of us!

Every time we travel to Ligonier we come home refreshed and ready to begin another week.  Taking the time to visit Gramps and Granny brings us so much joy, and we are so happy they have been able to see Charlotte each month since she has been born.  We are very blessed to have family not too far away; Charlotte is one lucky girl to have amazing Great-Grandparents AND two sets of Grandparents who live just 10 mins away! It is nice for Andrew and I to have a little getaway--even if it is not too far from home.