Friday, February 25, 2011

The Schedule

The schedule.  I feel like I have used the word "schedule" more than any other word since becoming a Mommy.  Andrew is tired of hearing it, my mom is tired of hearing it, and I find myself tired of hearing it sometimes too!  Our days are based around...the schedule.

That works for us.  People are always commenting on what a happy and content baby Charlotte is.  I really truly believe it is because of the schedule.  Thanks to a helpful friend and fellow Mommy, I sought advice on how to get Charlotte on more of a routine when she was about 7 weeks old.  She told me about Babywise and it literally changed the way I cared for my baby.  She started sleeping through the night 12 hours around 8 weeks old, and has ever since.  Now, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the Babywise method of eat/play/sleep, and I know every Mom has her opinion on how their child should be raised, so I am in no way saying this method is for everyone.  But for us, it works.  I personally thrive on schedule and routine, and from what I have read so do babies.  So far I have learned my daughter seems to be the same way I am!  If she is even 5 mins off schedule...goodbye.  She freaks.  And it is rare to see her like that, so it is not fun.

When we explain the schedule to people, they are surprised at how little Charlotte is awake during the day, and we get a lot of raised eyebrows.  Her wake time, although it is short (between 1-1.5 hours at a time) it is good, quality wake time.  She is always happy, alert, content, curious and ready to learn and play during this time.  If I kept her up for hours at a time...she would spend most of that time fussing, rubbing her eyes and being generally cranky.  Thus, her short wake time is more effective for her.  Who knew raising a baby was such a science?!

So, since so many people are always so curious as to what exactly I am talking about, I (with the help of my genius business oriented fiance) have typed out the basic guide we follow daily.  Keep in mind, we are flexible...the times are not set in stone, and obviously things change day to day depending on where we are going, or if we will be staying put.  And...babies change.  I know that...but as of right now, this is what we are up to everyday!  So here is it...The Schedule:

A Mommy’s 3-step guide to a happy baby

WAKE                                                                  SLEEP
 8am                         EATà PLAYà SLEEP                          9am

Wake – change diaper
Eat – Nurse (milk)
Play – swing, cuddle, playmat

WAKE                                                                  SLEEP
11am                   EATà PLAYà SLEEP                      12/12:30pm

Wake - change diaper
Eat – Nurse (milk) and Oatmeal food
Play – run errands, take walk, etc

WAKE                                                                  SLEEP
2/2:30pm                   EATà PLAYà SLEEP                          3:30/4pm

Wake - change diaper
Eat – Nurse (milk)
Play – tummy time, exersaucer, etc.

WAKE                                                                  SLEEP
6pm                          EATà PLAYà SLEEP                          8pm

Wake - change diaper
Eat – Nurse (milk) and Oatmeal food
Play – tummy time, exersaucer, etc.
Sleep – 7:15/7:30pm: start bedtime routine—Bath, lotion, play cd, pjs on, nurse, rock. 
8pm: in bed with sleep sheep on.

**Optimal wake time no longer than 1.5 hours during the afternoon, ideally naps are between 1-2 hours**

1 comment:

  1. I honestly think babies desire that kind of routine, they like knowing whats going to happen next. Its fine to change it up with outings or new faces, but for the most part Nelleah is on that same sort of schedule. You'll find around 6 months and 9 months she will change and might drop a nap or start to shorten them. Nelleah dropped down to 2 naps and now shes trying to ditch her afternoon nap. She still needs it though, so this past few days have been hell LOL!
    You are doing a wonderful job and that shows on your babies beautiful face :) xo
